
Versioning convention

Cottle versioning does NOT (exactly) follow SemVer convention but uses closely-related version numbers with form MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH where:

  • MAJOR increases when breaking changes are applied and break source compatibility, meaning client code must be changed before it can compile.

  • MINOR increases when binary compatibility is broken but source compatibility is maintained, meaning client code can be rebuilt with no source change.

  • PATCH increases when binary compatibility is maintained from previous version, meaning new library version can be used as a drop-in replacement and doesn’t require recompiling code.

The main difference between this approach and SemVer is the distinction made between binary compatibility and source compatibility. For example replacing a public field by a property, or doing the opposite, would break strict binary compatibility but wouldn’t require any change when recompiling client code unless it’s using reflection.

Migration guide

From 1.6.* to 2.0.*

  • Cottle now uses Double type for number values instead of Decimal ; use builtin function format(value, format[, culture]) if you need to control decimal precision when printing decimal numbers.

  • Type Value is now a value type to reduce runtime allocations ; API was upgraded to be source-compatible with previous Cottle versions.

  • Specialized value classes (e.g. Values.FunctionValue) are deprecated, use Value.From* static construction methods instead (e.g. Value.FromFunction).

Example of migration from 1.6.* code to equivalent 2.0.* version
// Version 1.6.*
var context = Context.CreateBuiltin(new Dictionary<Value, Value>
    ["f"] = new FunctionValue(myFunction),
    ["n"] = new NumberValue(myNumber)

// Version 2.0.*
var context = Context.CreateBuiltin(new Dictionary<Value, Value>
    ["f"] = Value.FromFunction(myFunction),
    ["n"] = Value.FromNumber(myNumber) // Or just `myNumber` to use implicit conversion

From 1.5.* to 1.6.*

  • All documents should be constructed using methods from Document static class.

  • All contexts should be constructed using methods from Context static class.

  • All functions should be constructed using methods from Function static class.

Example of migration from 1.5.* code to equivalent 1.6.* version
// Version 1.5.*
IDocument document;

    document = new SimpleDocument(template, new CustomSetting
        Trimmer = BuiltinTrimmers.FirstAndLastBlankLines
catch (ParseException exception)

    return string.Empty;

return document.Render(new BuiltinStore
    ["f"] = new NativeFunction((args, store, output) => MyFunction(args[0].AsNumber, output), 1)

// Version 1.6.*
var result = Document.CreateDefault(template, new DocumentConfiguration
    Trimmer = DocumentConfiguration.TrimIndentCharacters

if (!result.Success)

    return string.Empty;

// Can be replaced by result.DocumentOrThrow to factorize test on "Success" field and use
// the exception-based API which is closer to what was available in version 1.5.*
var document = result.Document;

return document.Render(Context.CreateBuiltin(new Dictionary<Value, Value>
    ["f"] = new FunctionValue(Function.Create1((state, arg, output) => MyFunction(arg.AsNumber, output)))

From 1.4.* to 1.5.*

  • IStore replaced by immutable IContext interface for rendering documents. Since the former extends the later, migration should only imply recompiling without any code change.

  • Cottle function delegates now receive a IReadOnlyList<Value> instead of their mutable equivalent.

  • Method Save from DynamicDocument can only be used in the .NET Framework version, not the .NET Standard one.

From 1.3.* to 1.4.*

  • Change of version number convention, breaking source compatibility must now increase major version number.

  • Cottle now requires .NET 4.0 or above.

From 1.2.* to 1.3.*

  • Removed deprecated code (flagged as “obsolete” in previous versions).

From 1.1.* to 1.2.*

  • IScope replaced by similar IStore interface (they mostly differ by the return type of their “Set” method which made this impossible to change without breaking the API).

  • Callback argument of constructors for NativeFunction are not compatible with IScope to avoid ambiguous statements.

From 1.0.* to 1.1.*

  • LexerConfig must be replaced by CustomSetting object to change configuration.

  • FieldMap has been replaced by multiple implementations of the new IMap interface.

  • Two values with different types are always different, even if casts could have made them equal (i.e. removed automatic casts when comparing values).

  • Common functions cross and except now preserve duplicated keys.